
The University of Copenhagen makes the following list of publications accessible.

A number of article can be downloaded via


My first major coaching publication in English:

“A Guide to Third Generation Coaching”


– Stelter (2015). Coaching for weight loss.

– Stelter 2009 – Experiencing mindfulness meditation

– Watch the video “Building a Strong Coach-Coachee Relationship”  via

Unikke password til optagelsen: Qz#cAsF3

Se my new book “The Art of Dialogue in Coaching: Towards Transformative Exchange”


For my German readers I would like to suggest the following:

Coaching als mitmenschliche Begegnung – Die Kunst zu verweilen 

I have been involved as an expert in the follow report on transformational coaching: transformative-coaching-report_roffeypark

Se en 10min. video interview where Ho Law and Reinhard discuss narrative collaborative coaching in pratice and theory!