18 Nov. 11 Workshop at the EMCC conference in Paris

Since Nov. 11 new advisory board member of Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice

11.-12.10.11: Foredrag og masterclass på Coaching Psychology Conference i Barcelona

Keynote Coaching Psychology Congress, Stockholm, 15 Sept. 11

Video: Research on narrative-collaborative group coaching

26. Aug. 2011 Invitation to the Univ.of Aalborg presentation at Master of organsational coaching

24 Aug. 2011 Seminar on Bateson at my depart. Presentation on “Playing and being serious – reflection on dialogues”

15-19 Aug. Course director at Copenhagen Summer University: Coaching, Kierkegaard & Leadership”

17 June 2011: First price as best presentation at a coaching seminar in Germany

Keynote speaker , 1stInternational Congress of Coaching Psychology – The Southern Hemisphere Event,Pretoria, South Africa, 26-27 May 2011

12 April 2011
The series of lectures “Coaching – research and practice” is taken up again

19 March 2011
Workshop on narrative collaborative coaching for Interest Group Coaching Psychology in Melbourne

!8 March 2011
Invited lecture at University of Victoria Melbourne, Dep. of Sport Sciences: Philosophical stance of narrative group coaching

17  March 2011
Invited lecture for Melbourne Business School for Executives in Melbourne

14 March 2011
Worshop lecture on narrative collaborative coaching at University of Sydney

8 March 2011
Invited lecture for the Melbourne Business School for Executives i Sydney

11 Feb.-24 March 2011
Guest at the Coaching Psychology Unit, School of Psychology, University of Sydney

2 Feb. 2011 Guestlecture and workshop on coaching psychology at the University of Aalborg

The Euromaster Intensive Course is running with great success