Workshop on 4th Int. Coaching Psych Conference in Melbourne
14 Nov. 2014: Workshop on 4th Int. Coaching Psych Conference in Melbourne
14 Nov. 2014: Workshop on 4th Int. Coaching Psych Conference in Melbourne
11-12 Dec.2014 Streamleader og speaker at 4th Int. Coaching Psych Conf. i London
29 March-7 April 2016: Visiting professor at the Univ. of Johannesburg, SA
Sept. 15: Third generation coaching is now a registered trademark in Denmark.
24.9.2015: Workshop på Third International Conference on Dialogical Practices
Oct.-Dec. 15: Visiting professor at Univ. of Western Australia i Perth
24 Sept. 2015: Workshop at Third International Conference on Dialogical Practices
18 Sept. 2015: Lecture invitation of Maxine Sheets Johnson
First coaching lectures after the summer break!
24. Aug. 15: Open access article on Coaching for weight loss
7.-21.8.15 Course director at Copenhagen Summer University
14.-18. 7.12: Workshop og 2 præsentationer på Europ. Cong. of Sport Psych. i Bern
1.-3.7.15: Invited speaker at Rambøl/TAOS Institute's Summer Institute in Copenhagen
Read about coaching of migrant boys at school
13 Nov. 2014: Pre-conference workshop in Melbourne
"Fire your coach!" Read about the exciting discussion!
31 Oct 2014: Masterclass at AC Int. Coaching Conference in Budapest
14 Oct. 2014: Keynote lecture at the EMCC_CZ konference in Prague
23 Sept. 2014: Workshop the Swedish Coaching Psychologists in Stockholm
18-22 Aug. 14: Copenhagen Summer University
18 June 2014: Keynote lecture at "Coaching-meets-research" Conferencen in Switzerland
10 April 2014: Lecture and workshop for leaders of the EU Commission
Spring 2014: Contuing the series of lecture "Coaching - Research and Practice"
12 Dec. 13: Workshop on Third Generation Coaching at 4th Europ. Coaching Psych Conf., Edinburgh
9 Dec 13: Invitetd lecture "Giving voice to the body" at PhD course Telemark University College, Bø, Norway.
22 Nov. 13: Presentation on "Sustainable dialogues in coaching" at EMCC conference in Athens
16 Nov. 2012: Reinhard Stelter & Morten Bertelsen give a workshop at EMCC conference
"A Guide to Third Generation Coaching- Narrative-Collaborative Theory and Practice" at Springer - is on the market by September 2013.
28 June 2013: Lecture "The coach as a fellow-human companion" at Ekeberger Coaching Tage
6-8 June: Course in Design Thinking at HPI in Potsdam
16 May 2013: Keynote speaker at the 3rd International Congress of Coaching Psychology in Rome. Se presentation!
8 Feb. 2013: Workshop for The Society of Coaching Psychology Italy
7 Feb. 2013: Lecturing at European Master Intensiv Course i Rome
See the fantastic review of my new book!
16 Nov. 2012: Reinhard Stelter & Morten Bertelsen give a workshop at EMCC conference 20 Sept. 2012 Workshop for the Netherland Assoc. for Professional Coaches. See video summary! From 13-17 Aug. course director at Coaching, Kierkegaard and ledership, Copenhagen Summer University 3 July 2012: Keynote speaker at the 2nd EMCC Mentoring & Coaching Research Conference [...]
18 Nov. 11 Workshop at the EMCC conference in Paris Since Nov. 11 new advisory board member of Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice 11.-12.10.11: Foredrag og masterclass på Coaching Psychology Conference i Barcelona Keynote Coaching Psychology Congress, Stockholm, 15 Sept. 11 Video: Research on narrative-collaborative group coaching 26. Aug. 2011 Invitation [...]
Year 2010 Appointed Founding Fellow of the Institute of Coaching Professional Association at Harvard 15 Dec. 2010 Coaching helps - see results from a randomised control studypresented at the 1st Int. Congress of Coaching Psychology 25 Nov. 2010 Invited workshop at Halmstad University "Team and Group development in Sport & Business" 16 Nov. 2010 Lecture "Coaching as narrative-collaborative [...]
16 December 2009 Invited masterclass in narrative coaching at the 2nd European Coaching Psychology Conference i London 23 March 2009 Inaugual lecture as professor 1 Feb 2009 First professor of Coaching Psychology in Denmark
18 December 2008: Keynote speaker at the 1st European Coaching Psychology Conference i London