My name is Reinhard Stelter. Thank you for taking a look at my homepage.
I am full professor, head of the Coaching Psychology Unit, Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports (NEXS) at the University of
Copenhagen. I do research and teach in psychology, coaching, learning, leadership and qualitative research methods.
I have a practice as coach and accred. coaching psychologist (associate fellow at ISCP, member of the Danish Psychological Association) and work as a mentor.
I give lectures, workshops and masterclasses in the areas of my expertise.
Since 2009 I also have been visiting professor at Copenhagen Business School, where I am responsible for the course Personal ledership and dialogical coaching in the leadership programme Master of Public Governance.
In 2018 a Korean translation of “A Guide to Third Generation Coaching” (Korea Coaching Supervision Academy, orig. by Springer) was published.
In 2019 two books have been published:
- “Coaching als mitmenschliche Begegnung – Die Kunst zu verweilen” (Springer Germany)
- “The Art of Dialogue in Coaching . Towards Transformative Exchange” (Routledge)
Please, listen to a podcast-interview with Reinhard